A Professional California Franchised Talent Agency
A Professional California Franchised Talent Agency
Apply For Representation
If you would like to apply for Representation with Crown North Talent Agency, you will need to email CNTManagement@gmail.com with the subject line "Talent Applying for ________ Representation First Name Last Name" and send us the following materials as email attachments based on the kind of representation you are applying for:
Theatrical Voice Over
(1.) Resume (as a pdf) (1.) Resume (as a pdf)
(2.) 7 Professional Headshots (2.) 1 Professional Headshot
(3.) Acting Demo (3.) Voiceover Demos (as an mp3)
In the body of your email, let us know the type of representation you are applying for, some background information about yourself, why you would like to apply for representation with Crown North and whether or not you have other representation.
It is not acceptable to send us links to your required materials. You must send these materials as attached files in the email. Additoinally, it is important that your resume includes your contact information and the dates of the projects on your resume.
Frequently Asked Questions About Applying For Representation
After I apply for representation, how long should I expect to wait before finding out whether or not I've been accepted?
Our talent coordinators are very busy working in service of our talents and clients. Due to this, it can take up to a month to hear back from Crown North about whether or not you will be accepted for representation. We will be in contact with you throughout the process if we require any materials from you or require any information from you.
How much does it cost to be represented by Crown North?
There is not a charge to be represented by Crown North Talent Agency. However, we do require you to be connected with us on submission websites. While all of these sites have the option of a free account, there are fees attached to certain actions on these sites and you are expected to pay these fees in order to comply with our expectatinos of our talents.
Do my demos have to be professionally produced?
Your demos do not have to be professionally produced. The purpose of your demos is so that we can see your skills and decide whether or not you are a good fit for our agency. The main requirement of your demos is that they should be on a plain white background, or a clean background if you are submitting a video, and that the quality shoud be clear and it should be easy to see and listen to. Additionally, they should show your range and your strengths.
What should I put on my resume if I don't have any acting or voice experience?
We do not require our talents to have prior acting expereicne professional or otherwise. We admit talents based on their skill and professionalism, not their experience. If you do not have any acting credits, your resume should include any training you may have receieved, skills - acting and other wise, languages you speak and studio specs for voice talents.
What if I do not have professional headshots?
You will need to procure professional headshots before applying for representation. We will not consider you for representation if you do not have the required professional headshots. Additionally, all headshots should be no more than 4 years old. Headshots taken within the year are preffered.