Talent: Justin Brown
Based in: USA
Union Status: SAG - AFTRA
Justin Brown was a career law enforcement officer for 20 years until an unfortunate battle with cancer ended his ability to work in the profession. A medical documentary was filmed on Justin’s cancer journey and he provided voice over commentary for the production. Justin found a new passion in voice over work and after successfully breaking into the industry he has provided the desired and needed voice to many reputable businesses such as Seagen, GCI Health, Madhur Sugar, Cisco, Denny Animations, ACX/Audible, The Financial Crime Academy, and more! In addition to voice over work Justin is a Twitch Affiliate and host of the GamingToFightCancer Twitch and YouTube Channels which provide family-friendly game playthroughs for kids who are too sick to play a game themselves but still want to experience the adventure.